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The sculptures are grouped into 6 topics

Relation between two

Relation between two

Rise, lenghten

Rise, lenghten

Create an inner space

Create an inner space

Generate, procreate

Generate, procreate

Radiate or spread

Radiate or spread

A rhythm as link

A rhythm as link

a trunk.. which divides itself in elements and evolves...
it is another life…that’s beginning.

... Try to consider the elements that make sculptures as living beings. They have lost all human appearance but they kept gestures and behavior; they are always motivated and linked by the common desire for a new harmony and they often differentiate into male and female.

relation à deux

The relationship between two

The block splits...

The relationships between two is the primordial relationship. There are many facets here. They are changing: 

- confrontation - dialogue - looks - encounters.

Often, there is a tendency to expand in the union of a new being.

263- Le point de convergence
260- Un cycle infini
262- Duo
196-où tu commences… où je finis…
212- gestes d' amour
Dualité, la puissance et la grace
172- naissance d' une relation
242 - Duo
215 - Pour un baiser
175 - Infiltrations, communications
233 - Amour, amour
142 - étreinte et regards
228 - et puis ils dancent
216 - moments d'une relatione
216 - moments variés
70 - vers une rencontre
195 - Le baiser
ascension, croissance

Rise or lenghten

To lengthen, to stretch, to grow – these are already signs of life.
Let’s add an intention. To have an aim, to go beyond. And this life becomes human.
After the splitting, the notion of time also appears.
So, we arrive at things following each other in time, at the passing of generations,

256- Librement liés
257- Un désir de ciel
226-à l'assaut du ciel
201 - Amour et transmission
184 - Succession, passages, générati
102 - Envolée
204 - Question de rythme
180- Ondes de cohésion
94- Un rythme pour s'envoler
229 - S'enflammer
207- Invocation
225 - A l'assaut du ciel
210 -  ascension
espace intime

Create an inner space 

Sometimes the bonds tighten around an intimate space to keep, like a secret garden

254- Ellissi in sospeso-2
258- Cycle sans début ni fin
141 - Un passage
190- espace intime
194- Préserver un espace intime
222 - La porte des réves
253 - Ellipse en suspens
191- Trinité
199 - La dance
engendrer, procréer

Generate, procreate

Sometimes there is a sort of interior knot that takes shape within the relationship between two, something that is the fruit of one and of the other, something that allows the development of the couple.

232–  Il tesoro (2011)
264- Una spirale di vita
261- 2 parties plus un cœur
255- L'infini du vivant
170 - Il coeur du mouvement
198 - Le lien
248 - retenus par le coeur
245- Coeur et gravité
223 - Una histoire de famille
211- Un lien entre eux
209 - Groupe de famille
203 - Crescendo
131- Moments d'une relation
164 - Le trésor (1)
181- Union des contrastes
Irradier, diffuser

Radiate or spread

Radiate is another way of growing and taking up space. The trunk divides into elements which project themselves outward as they spread out.

113-Une commune prise d’espace
82 - Rayonnement
52 - Une idée de croissance
246 - La montée de la vague, 2
149 - La roue du temps
160 - afin que le courant passe
154 - Passages pour une offrande
252 - Passages et successions
239 - La montée de la vague (1)
249- La montée de la vague (3)
240- Progressions et transmissions
136 - Déploiement
84 - Echo
186 - Diffusion
77 - Irradier
80- L'aube
176 - afin que le courant passe (3)
155 -Liaisons et connexions (1)
156 - Liens et connexions (2)
ondes - rythmes

A rhythm as link

Moving in waves is a primordial movement. It is the movement of water, of fish, of serpents. We can already find the sign of movement in the early writings, symbolizing the flowing of life. Waves and rhythms give structure to music and sounds – the beats of the heart and so many physical phenomena. They reach out into the goings on of our own human relationships, the highs and lows of our moods.

123-Un cheminement
132-– duo, attraction
218- La poussée de l'onde
197- Successions
224 - Mille accords possibles
-227- Flux et reflux
- 220 - ondes en progression
-188- Elargir l'accord
241 - Ecoulement
231 - Echo
-187- Epanouissement
-213- onde, transmission d'énergie
247 – Energie transmise
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